Our Team

Great Work Requires Great People - We believe our people are some of the best.

Request Information
Executive Team
Maury Westerdale
Chairman of the Board
CJ Stratte
Marina Young
Sales Team
Daniel Garza
VP of Sales and Operations
Tim Moranz
Specialty Vehicle Program Manager
Priscilla Brito
Account Executive
Ryan Richardson
Account Executive
Nicholas Fanuzzi
Account Executive
Michael Glynn
Account Executive
Marketing Team
Jim Ferguson
Marketing Director
Chelsea Moehle
Executive/Marketing Assistant
Insurance Agency Team
Mike Woolard
Senior Account Executive
Rand Racey
Agency Director
Charly Burch
Tenant Protection Administrator
Admin Team
Lexie Rose
Noemi Farias
Title Registration Associate
Karen Lunski
Customer Service Director
Malachi Brand
Staff Accountant
Sandra G. Meckel
Insurance Claims Adjuster
Janelle Paola Solis
Operations Administrator
Warehouse Team
Juan Castillo
Warehouse Manager
Bobby Stratte
Warehouse Assistant

Request Info

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