Real Estate Professionals: Automate Your Marketing And Focus On Sales
Real estate professionals become more successful the more houses they show, but how can you get clients without marketing? Marketing may seem like a strain on your time, but top real estate professionals know it’s necessary. Real estate professionals need to automate their marketing efforts in order to focus on sales.
Get a strong online presence.
If you don’t have a website, do you even exist? To potential clients, the answer is no. Make sure you have a strong online presence so that when people go looking online for real estate professionals, they find you. Your website can inform people on who you are, where you primarily show, past clients, and more! They’ll be sold on you before you ever speak.
Schedule posts ahead of time.
Pick a day of the week to set all your social media postings ahead of time. You can set timers to choose exactly when the post goes live and your customers won’t know the difference. You can get it all out of the way one day a week and free up the rest of your time for selling!
Set e-mail campaigns on a timer.
Use your CRM to send marketing emails to your customers on a timer. You can use the same method as before and pick one day a week to schedule all your emails in advance. All your marketing will run in the background as you sell!
Use your truck for everything.
Running to the grocery store? Use your On The Move truck. Showing a house? Use your On The Move truck. Meeting up with friends? Use your On The Move truck. The more your truck drives around town, the more people will see your name. Take advantage of your mobile billboard and drive it as much as possible. You can turn a quick errand into several new clients!